Almost two weeks ago, I hosted Winter Wonderland at the RH School of Performing Arts. With the help of a dedicated troop of volunteers, blaring Christmas music, and a super dedicated boyfriend that dressed up like Mr. Kringle, we pulled off a fab event!
Children got to read off their wish lists to Mr. Claus and received gift bags with coloring books, toys, snacks, and coupons!
The kiddies piled into the activity room where they got temporary tattoos, coloring pins, and played games! The best part of the whole event was seeing the kids play with each other.
Santa even got kinda competitive with the bean bag toss! I put up more pictures on the facebook page, be sure to check it out! Don't forget to become a Wrightfully Social fan as well!
This event was made possible by Nicole Jones of Sensual Steps Shoe Salon, Thomas Cole of Diamond Bank, Frances Wright of Allstate Insurance, Pink's Child Care Academy, and Rhea Henderson of the RH School of Performing Arts.